Júlio Pomar

Júlio Pomar was born in Lisbon, on January 10, 1926, and died on May 22, 2018 in that same city. He studied at the António Arroio School of Decorative Arts and at the Schools of Fine Arts in Lisbon from 1942 to 1944 and in Porto from 1944 to 1946.

His first collective exhibition was in 1942, in his homeland, and he held his first solo exhibition in 1947, at Galeria Portugália , located in Porto. He was also one of the founders and first members of the board of the “Gravura” Cooperative.

Pomar dedicated himself especially to painting, but he also worked on ceramics and glass, illustration, drawing, sculpture, tapestry, engraving and is the author of several books of essays on painting and two books of poetry. Furthermore, Pomar is also the author of numerous public works, including Jardin Botanique, in Brussels (1992) and the courtroom of the Tribunal da Moita (1993) .

Júlio Pomar represented Portugal at the São Paulo Biennials of 1953, 1975 and 1985. He also received numerous awards, the AICA-SEC Prize in 1995 and the Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Prize in 2003, among others.